Sunday, February 16, 2020

Wet and Windy Sunday


How are you all this very wet and Windy Sunday morning?  I've had a right 10-14 days of it - absolutely full of a cold which actually laid me flat for two days, and off work, which is unheard off! still don't feel much better, which is why I'm so very far behind posting my DT pieces this week.
So, Sunday is Carol day on both Tando creative and Bubbly Funk blogs.

First up:-

Using on of the large distress Tando hearts I've interpreted this weeks "texture" theme slightly different to my teamies……


a page in my white Dylusions journal, love this white space, using Paperartsy paints, Tim Holtz paper doll and butterfly and sarky comment lol….Aall Create stamp set #15 and some doodling..

Do pop over to the blogs and see what else is on offer…

TFL xx

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