for a while! lol These inchies are for a monthly swap I do with a couple of my ol' forum friends....
The theme for these ones was Da Vinci....

We currently do a theme a month and take it in turns to choose - its a lovely way to share and create.
Well, tomorrow is a big day in this house - my daughter, Sian, turns 18! boy where did that go - we've been perusing the baby photos, you know for those embarrassing piccies in the paper and such like, and it only seems like yesterday, the baby, the toddler, baby brother, moving houses and now she's a beautiful young lady! just seems to have flown pass....looking back at the photos also bring back loving memories of dearly departed grandparents, my Granddad would have loved the celebrations planned for tomorrow and I know that my Nan and I will both look at each other with that look ..........on a more positive note, had to double check the man holding Sian as a baby, can't remember my OH looking that young and handsome!! what happened there then?? roflxx (mind you he could very well say the same about me!! lolxx)
As always, thank you for taking the time to read and look at my blog and for the lovely comments, I really appreciate them.....xx