Good Afternoon, on this bright and fresh remembrance Sunday.
Its so unseasonal out there, so warm for this time of year, I'm usually wrapped up in jumpers and socks but today I sit here in a t-shirt and my flip-flops!
This week has been one of those weeks! after, what 10 months, of managing to avoid the virus, not knowing anyone who has been infected and being ultra careful about not going out, other than to the shops, and work, I came into contact with someone who had tested positive. The young girl in our office came back positive on Tuesday! to be honest it was a shock to the system. You can get so that you're aware, but, as it doesn't affect you directly its almost like its not there, iykwim? Don't get me wrong, my hands are dry and cracked from continual washing and hand sanitising, trolleys are always wiped down, my desk and everything on it is wiped down every morning, but the stark reality of having it in your life was somewhat of a shock. Anyway, two tests later I tested negative, but, the tests are unpleasant at best, and its something I don't want to do again in a hurry. Anyway, that was Tuesday to Thursday, then Friday back in the office, but, Monday onwards working from home again.
In the meantime, over on the Tando blog, this week was the colour week. So, folder and file number 11 for the 366 challenge has been completed.
The colours for this week were
and my folders and files are:-
realistically its a bit late in the year to join 2020's 366 challenge, and 2021 would be 365 but if you fancy a challenge you could still join in.
Have a good week peeps, and don't forget - "think hands, think face think space" and stay safe xx