Good Grief....where on earth has the week gone? one minute its Monday and the next its Friday!
Am I the only one to say "Thank you and Goodbye" to that snow? ...although, I understand that some of our Welsh friends are still under quite a bit of it.... it was ok for the first week and then I'd had enough - the holiday was over, back to work and normality and no theres no time for the nonsence of snow!!
Sian went back on Sunday! where did that month go? did someone steal some of it from me? It was fab having her home and the house was full and fun again! we had some fab girlie days and nights and now we've got to wait til Easter before she's home again. Poppy is safety parked in the drive after being driven for everyday for the last month probably wondering why she's being left alone!! lol (btw Poppy is Sian's little car!!).
Anyway, enough of my drivel! Its Friday and its SCD day! Its Ang's turn to choose our Arch theme this week and she chose Fashion!!
So, here it is, my Fashion Arch..

This is one of those things that just happened....the background is paper from basic grey, can't remember which pad as the front has fallen off...its got pattern pieces printed on it...the dress is a rubber stamp I've had for ages and the image was coloured in with water colour pencils, the handbags were on the same rubber plate and stamped onto coloured paper.....the tape at the bottom is from a sheet from my hero S!r T!m...and you'll never guess...the shoes, boots and hat are all a quickutz die... mind you, couldn't find my adapter plate for my sidekick (didn't have any room to get the bug out!) I bought a big box of those and do you think I could find them? ended up with double card to beef it watch, I'll go and find them now!! lolxx
Pop on over to the SCD blog and see what gorgeous arches the girls have created this week and if you have time why don't you join in with us, we'd love to see what you all come up with...
Have a great weekend TFL xx